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Jean & Anrie Greeff

Jean and Anrie Greeff live in Johannesburg, South Africa. They have three “Mannatech boys” (they have all been on the Mannatech products since pregnancy).

Jean has never been employed. He did however have a very successful sporting career in Weightlifting. He broke (and still holds) a number of South African Records in his division. He also attended a few Commonwealth Championships and major International Championships.  His highlight was participating in the London Olympic Games in 2012. He says that while using the Mannatech Products, he gained the edge that he was looking for and improved his personal best in each competition. His favourite sports product is Osolean because of the incredible way that it helped his body to achieve an ideal a fat percentage as a sports professional. Jean started Mannatech at the age of 19 purely to use the product and after witnessing how effective the Mannatech products are, he could not keep quiet. People had to know about this technology and from there he simply kept on sharing the success stories that were now coming more and more frequently.

Anrie studied Business Management for two years. There after she ended up working at a few different companies, mostly in sales. Freedom of time and money never seemed to be attainable with the hours and income she received. She joined Jean in Mannatech in 2012. She had amazing results on the products with all three pregnancies. She supports and builds the Business with Jean. Her favourite product is Plus because of the balancing effect it had on her endocrine system. She believes that Plus is an important product for all woman, especially when they experience changes in their bodies.

“We are eternally grateful for Louis and Leone van der Linde and our Team as well as Mannatech for the life we have today. We have optimal health, freedom of time & money, leaving a legacy for our children and generations hereafter and we are able to change peoples lives and therefore we are busy changing the world for generations to come! We know our children are growing up with the best health and education (Mannatech's personal development system)!”

“We wish everyone the life they dream off... and even better!”